Saturday, October 16, 2004

Stripy Ribbed Scarf

Needle size-10
Yarn-Bulky weight Red Heart "Misty". I used whatever was left of the ball I used to make my stripy toque (AKA my jaunty new chapeau) plus another 4 oz ball.
Cast on 24 (EDIT: Sorry...mine has 36) stitches, or however wide you want it (multiple of six)
Knit 3, purl 3 all the way across the row. Repeat until it's as long as you want.

Final dimensions-mine wound up being about five and a half feet long and about six inches wide. And wow, is it ever soft and comfy!!!


Donna said...

psst. pictures. :)

Karin said...

Oh, I know. :p They're coming. I just need to bring up my completed stuff and play with the webcam.


Actually, that's not that much work...

Karin said...

Red Heart "Misty" was on clearance at I got my staff discount on top of the fact that it was $2 or $3 for either 4 oz (varigated) or 6 oz (solid colour). Plus, the colours are phenomenal and it's so soft, AND because it's bulky, it knits up so fast I'm spoiled.

I tend to buy yarn that's on clearance...because I get to find out what's on clearance, and I get my staff discount. :D